Friday, February 23, 2007

Terror Tour 2/12/2007


We escaped death and arrived in Seattle at 4am. I was too tired to go into the motel and slept in the van. This is becoming an epidemic.

We got up, went to a bank, and went to the mall that we always go to when we are in Seattle. There was some serious construction going on in the mall and the entire food court was out of commission. How do you have a mall without a food court? A pretzel stand does not constitute as a food court. Remember life before pretzel sticks, when all you could get was the huge pretzels? Whack.

It was Misha’s birthday, so he walked around and pretended like he was going to buy something. Of course, he didn’t.

For the 3rd straight time at this mall, Terror got "rockegnized". I love when people just tell you who you are and what you are doing. "You are in Terror and you are playing at Graceland tonight!" No, we just happened to be in Seattle walking around a shitty mall without a food court.

The only good thing about the mall was a lot of fair looking broads walking around in fuck me boots and oversized sweaters with their asses hanging out the bottom. Since everything sucked there, except the girls with the boots and butts, we went to the Olive Garden. Frank 3 gun and I have shared many a meal at that particular location, so it brought back some memories. Hold your head Frank, Terror (yes, all members) still loves you.

Jim Hesketh from Champion came to join us for lunch and told us about his new band that he is doing. They are playing soon, so be on the lookout for that. He also told us about his job at Whole Foods. Does every hardcore dude work at Whole Foods? Dumb.

I bought Misha lunch for his birthday. He described it as “Bomb.”

We got to the club and found out that All Shall Perish had cancelled due to the singer having an asthma attack. Wait, it was convenient that he had an asthma attack right after Salt Lake City which allowed them to skip Portland and Seattle and go straight to San Francisco (their hood).

Furious Styles were nice enough to open the show in ASP’s place. They covered “State of the World Address…Motherfucka!” They just dropped an album on Hand of Hope Records; check it out.

There were many hot girls at the show and many more sloppy drunk “go big” broads that were falling (literally) down the steps of the merch area and having their floppy funbags do just that; flop. I tried to hook Misha up with a really drunk slob, but she ended up being too crazy in the end.

Joe Garimbone, celebrity merchandiser, was in Seattle waiting for his next tour of duty to start. Joe is a hardcore/merchandising legend and is responsible for teaching me most of what I know. It was great to see him and I hope he has fun watching Chiodos (the 2nd worst band in rock music behind Trivium) everyday.

The show was absolutely intense. Stagedives, stagedives, stagedives. One of the best Terror shows in Seattle, ever.

After the show, we went back to the motel. Misha brought a friend. She was drunk, but she wasn’t half bad looking. LADIES, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING? I give up.

The rest of us watched “Ego Trip’s: The White Rapper Show.” Persia had to go home. Although she possesses the most skill, she always fumbled during crunch time. Buske had a crush on her. Weird dude. We love Johnny and Persia though, and I believe they will both have successful careers.

1 comment:

An Attitude Exhumed said...

Definitely don't/didn't have a crush on Persia, I think you're mistaking me for Martin who said;

"I think Persia is proof that not all good looking women have to be skinny. Just sayin..."

She definitely should have won that shit, instead, you're dude is going to win... J to the Brown.